Thursday, November 22, 2007


I'm a loner, always forgotten
Being left-out, nobody cares
And hated by everybody
I never found a true friend and true love
Tears never stop falling from my eyes
Sadness never leaves me
And death always calling me
Darkness fills my entire life
They always blame me like i didn't do something right
I'm fighting my own fights w/o a help
Because nobody would like to help
I'm just a kid w/ body fit clothes
Names of bands and qoutes printed on my shirt
Wearing a hoodie and black eyeliner,mascarra
Wearing sneakers w/ shaggy hair
Walking alone in the streets w/ my headphones blaring
Listening to my favorite rock bands
And sits alone in the park
Thinking and waiting to die
When ths kid goes home this kid
lock herself in her room and drown herself in music
Get her journal and write the way she feels
Her agony,sorrow,hate,revenge,depression.
This journal is the only one who
understands her and listening to her
Can you help this kid to be normal?happy?smile?
can you?

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